Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Our little Kade-Man turned one on Tuesday! He is such a wonderful kiddo, We're so glad that he is in our family! It's hard to believe that a year ago he was in the NICU and now he is a happy, healthy, growing boy! We had his 1 year check up today and he is:

20.8 lbs (35th %ile)
31 inches (85th %ile)

tall and skinny!

He eats everything, loves milk, loves playing with friends, loves teasing and giving kisses. He walks, jumps, waves, says mama, dada, ball, light, yes, up, one, and banana.

He loves Lightning McQueen, golf balls, blocks, pillows, soft blankets, cheese, bananas, spaghetti, french fries, green beans, apples, peaches, pears, sandwiches, and CAKE!

We love when he is playful and teases. He is such a people watcher and is concerned when others are upset. Loves to be in the conversation and center of attention.

We sure love our little guy! Happy Birthday Kaden!!!

Cuddling with everything soft!

Loves swimming!

Plays with the toilet paper rolls all the time!


Loves his Uncle Tom!

We'll add more pics from his birthday party soon!


GordonandChrissy said...

Amy, I can't believe your little guy is ONE! Happy Birthday, Kaden! He is such a cutie, I hadn't realized until this post that he looks so much like Jimmy. Is it just these pictures, or have I been totally oblivious in the past? Hope you guys are doing well!

GordonandChrissy said...

I just realized that my comment kind of sounds like I'm hitting on your husband - in saying that he's a cutie and then that he looks like Jimmy. haha.

I promise I'm not. He's a great guy, but I've got my hunka hunka man already. :)