Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Our first DIY and then we moved

So Jimmy and I had an amazing opportunity that we just could not pass up. There were some openings in the Fleur de Lis apartments for $50 less than what we were paying. So we put our apartment up for sale and signed the contract for our 4 bed/2 bath place. In order to move we had to finish our kitchen cabinets that were started back in November. So we bought some paint and trim, fixed some of the tiles and wah lah! Our beautiful kitchen.

For our first Do-It-Yourself, on limited budget, with improper tools and work area I think it turned out great! We probably won't be doing another DIY for a while, but the experience was good, and now we know that when wanted or needed we can re-create a beautiful kitchen. And to all you future Do-It-Yourself Projecteers, if I could do it you can do it! We sold our contract in exactly a week and moved into our new place! and we love it! (more pictures of our new place to be posted as soon as we are unpacked...:)


A & J said...

Looks good!

Tati said...

wOW aMY! You guys can do ours! lol

Sarah said...

fleur-di-lis has married housing?! wow. those apts are nice. they used to be in my ward. way to go!

Anonymous said...

i love your kitchen! have fun in those amazing apts! they are sooo big!!

GordonandChrissy said...

My sister used to live there, those are nice! Sounds like you got a screamin' deal. Way to go!!!

The Brown Family said...

Amy! The number I have for you doesn't work, so text me and we'll for sure make plans soon. Also, I'm second Sarah's comment I didn't know that it was married housing, it looks amazing on the outside we can only imagine how wonderful everything is!

BYU 85th Ward said...

I love your new place-luckies!! Ya'll did such a good job on the cabinets-they look so professional!