Saturday, May 23, 2009

mmm...strawberry jam :)

So a while ago I bought some strawberries from my favorite grocery store, Sunflower Market, and I also got some strawberries from Mom Brown. Jimmy and I were too busy to eat them as soon as we should have, but not to busy to make some homemade jam! I had just enough for the quick version. After some phone calls to my mom, a box of pectin, and advice from Jimmy (the old jam maker), I started the jam. I was kinda nervous when making it because of others horror stories of the jam not setting and such. After everything, I was a lucky one and created some yummy yummy strawberry jam! Of course I had to make homemade bread to go with it! Sadly it is almost gone now, but it made our tummies happy as you can see! Hopefully in the future when we have a normal size kitchen, and cabinet space to match, I'll be making a lot more jam and a variety of it too!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Good Old Mom!

I found this poem last year as I was trying to find something for my students to make for their mothers. My mom has been the best mom who has cried and laughed with me, listened and been patient with me, taught and scolded me. I love you mom!

And, to Jimmy's mom who is so wonderful and raised an incredible man, who loves me everyday! (I'll let him write more about her) I love you mom!

Good Old MOM!

Who is the one who combs my hair
And drives me almost anywhere?
Who makes me wear clean underwear?
Good old MOM!

Who is the one who hums a tune
When I'm home sick in the afternoon?
Who brings me milk and a macaroon?
Good old MOM!

Who tucks me into bed each night
And tells me things will be all right ?
Who yells at me, "Turn out that light!?"
Good old MOM!

Who cares for me each live long day?
Well, I love her more than words can say
And I wish her Happy Mother's Day!
Good old MOM!

—Grandpa Tucker
Copyright ©1999 by Bob Tucker

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Fern McGarry Hatch November 6, 1915- April 20, 2009

Last week my Grandma Hatch passed away. I was sad to see her go but so excited for her to see Grandpa again. She was 94, still living on her own, and in darn good health! Her funeral was this weekend. There were many cousins, uncles, and aunts. It was wonderful to connect with them as we celebrated her life. It was very sweet to hear all of her stories again. She was the most kind and generous person I know. She could always be seen with a mint for a sore throat, cough, breath freshener, snack, or sweet treat. And she always had a tissue for a cold, runny nose, tearful eye, trash for gum, or anything else you could have imagined. She loved her family so much, even if it included slapping their hand away from the food :) Her love of education was instilled in me. She was one of the driving forces for me to work hard and graduate quickly in a field I loved which turned out to be teaching as well. I loved when my grandpa would crack a joke and they would laugh till they were teary! And I loved how tenderly they would sit by each other and hold each others hand. She was an amazing woman and I wish I could be a little like her someday.