I haven't been blogging very much later because...we are expecting kiddo #2 November 25th 2012! I'm 16 weeks now, mostly not sick any more, and anxiously waiting to find out if we are having a girl or a boy! We don't care either way but having another boy has some perks. We already have the clothes, Kaden would have a brother close. If it's a girl, we'd be pretty excited too for all the fun frilly stuff! I was pretty sick with this pregnancy compared to Kaden's. I've been sick from week 4 and it lasted till now. (Kaden was only from week 9-16 and it was hardly anything.) I've lost 15 lbs (with Kaden it was 20) don't worry I gained it back with Kaden :) We've had a couple ultrasounds to make sure everything was good to go, considering my last miscarriage in September. And after a couple pictures and hearing heartbeats all is well! Kaden has been really cute pointing to my belly, saying baby, and putting his mouth up to it to say "Hi baby!" Just like daddy does. It's been fun! I'm looking forward to another little one and growing our family. I'll keep you updated more often and send some more pictures your way when I actually look pregnant and get more baby pics from the ultra sound.
Yay, congrats!
Can't wait to hear if it's a girl or boy! I'm glad you're starting to feel better now!
I am so happy for you. I am 12 weeks so our kids will be close in age.
I saw your post on ours and hadn't checked blogs in a while to see that you had announced as well. So exciting! Yay for holiday babies. I don't know how you feel about having one around the holidays, but I have to tell you that having Spencer (right before Christmas) when we did was just awesome. It made the holiday really special and family focused. Having said that, I hope you still get to eat some turkey! :)
Take care and rest up, Momma. Are you still teaching this fall?
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