I love my job. I love the kids that I teach, the faculty I work with, and the fact that they are so family friendly. I don't think that the population realizes the work that teachers do. I remember it was so weird to see my teachers outside of school, but I made the realization that teachers are normal people too.
Well kind of normal.
I don't think a normal person would be under attack by the government, and parents constantly. Nor would a normal person work for less every year ($2,000 less). I don't think normal people would be ok with constantly putting out fires, teaching all curriculums, and 30 kids, 10 of those having health issues, learning disabilities, behavior disorders, and the rest of them telling you their every worry, excitement and dream. And would do all of these things while making less than a cashier at Costco.
But, I didn't write this blog to complain, I wrote this blog cause I am sad. I lost one of my students today. She has moved under sad circumstances, to another district. I feel like a piece of me is missing and I can't stand looking at her empty desk. She is as teachers would say, "A perfect student" and a wonderful little girl with so many hopes and dreams. It was sad to loose her. I know that she will blossom and shine in her future. I'll never forget that sweet smile!
As I said, I love my job, I love my "kids". I hope that someday, mom's and dad's, community leaders, and screwed up politicians can understand what I do and support me in it. I hope they realize that I only have 4 waking hours with my own child to spend 9 with yours. And I love them almost as my own and do my best to teach them things you can't/don't/forgot. I am teaching the future of our world. Do you realize that? Do you realize that my job is to help shape our future? Do you realize how valuable that is? And I do it, because I love it. I love seeing the light bulb go off. I love seeing a child grow. I love helping them learn and be confident, to become their own. And hope that one day they think, "I learned that in third grade because my teacher cared about me. "