Saturday, December 5, 2009


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year! I am grateful we have such awesome family around to have it with. We all went over to KJ's house to eat, and it was all yummy! The appetizers were amazing and we got pretty full on that so we barely put a dent in all of the food. Poor Jimmy got really sick right before dinner and had to lie down for the festivities. He didn't get to eat any of the yummy dinner. After we ate we played games (yea!). I was so grateful that some wanted to play. I love playing games but haven't since getting married. Slowly but surely our game closet is getting bigger and Jimmy is playing more games with me. We also watched Aliens in the Attic. The kids loved it and laughed at all the right parts which made movie more fun for me the second time. It was a great day and a fun evening. I'm so grateful for Jimmy, and my Heavenly Father who loves us so much! Happy Thanksgiving!

All the food that hardly got eaten :) YUM!

1 comment:

GordonandChrissy said...

What a beautiful feast! Those rolls are beautiful. And barely putting a dent in the food is what it's all about, right? More leftovers! Love it. :)