Monday, December 28, 2009


No, not the movie, the country.

The Island off the east coast of Africa.

The island that is the 4th largest in the world. The country where they speak French, Creole, Malagasy, and English. The home of 5% of the worlds plant and animal species.

And is the soon to be home for my parents mission!! Yea mom and dad we are so excited for your adventures while serving the Lord!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas to All!

We had a wonderful Christmas this year. We had fun setting up and decorating.

Had a blast at the annual Brown Girls Bake Night. YUM!

Set up a real tree.

Secretly went shopping.

Had family and friends parties, activities, and dinners.

Humbly remembered the birth of our Savior and all he has done for us.

We are grateful for all of the love and blessings we have in our lives, and wish you a Merry Christmas!

The New Place!

Jimmy and I loved our old apartment but we get a little stir crazy sometimes, and a wonderful opportunity came up for a new apartment. We thought we'd give it a shot, but up our contract to sell, and sold it in a week so again we had an unexpected crazy move but we went from 2 bed/1 bath, to a 4 bed/ 2 bath for a hundred dollars less! We didn't need all of the space but the extra bedrooms make for a great craft/man cave and storage room and now guests don't have to use our bathroom, they have their own. We miss our big living room and private patio, but our kitchen, and laundry make up for that. So now we live 3 blocks north and get to be neighbors with good friends, a lot of BYU single girls, and especially this one :) We've been here for 3 months now and love it! Thanks to everyone that helped us in the process to get in here! And here are some pics for anyone who hasn't been here, and if you live around here and haven't been here, you should stop by we'd love to have you!

The Office

The Living Room

And The Kitchen

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Football isn't quite a religion in our house but it is a big deal. When Jimmy got season tickets for the BYU games this year he bought them with a friend of ours and they were rotating seats. They got so excited when they found out their seats for the BYU Utah game was on the FRONT ROW! So before the game we went all out and painted faces and spray painted hair. It looked great! It's a good thing we did too because come third quarter at about the ten minute mark after the review Jimmy and Jeff were on camera! Woo Hoo! At the end of the win they were in great spots to run out on the field too. It was a great game! Go Cougs!


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year! I am grateful we have such awesome family around to have it with. We all went over to KJ's house to eat, and it was all yummy! The appetizers were amazing and we got pretty full on that so we barely put a dent in all of the food. Poor Jimmy got really sick right before dinner and had to lie down for the festivities. He didn't get to eat any of the yummy dinner. After we ate we played games (yea!). I was so grateful that some wanted to play. I love playing games but haven't since getting married. Slowly but surely our game closet is getting bigger and Jimmy is playing more games with me. We also watched Aliens in the Attic. The kids loved it and laughed at all the right parts which made movie more fun for me the second time. It was a great day and a fun evening. I'm so grateful for Jimmy, and my Heavenly Father who loves us so much! Happy Thanksgiving!

All the food that hardly got eaten :) YUM!