Tuesday, July 7, 2009


So Jimmy took me on my first "real" mountain biking adventure. We were just going up Rock Canyon in Provo. It was fun in the beginning and then we had to walk our bikes. After walking we took the Bonneville Shoreline Trail and I biffed it! That's right, I wrecked! I didn't know how to maneuver quite right, hit a rock and flew over the handle bars. Jimmy ran to my aid as I cried, but after a pep talk I got back on and we finished our little ride. It hurt, I'm icing and neosporining right now, but I'm still happy we went and feel a little bit in pain but tougher :) Maybe next time I'll really conquer the mountain!


elise and jeff said...

Oh no! You poor thing...I have a great fear of falling of my bike, probably because it has happened so much! Hope you get better soon!

Sarah said...

oh my! that is the exact reason i am scared of mountain biking!!!! i hope you at least get some good battle wounds for your pain. and then i hope you heal soon.