Friday, July 31, 2009

2nd Year Anniversary

So this post is a week late but I just wanted to say Happy Late Anniversary. It was 2 years ago on a very hot 25th of July that Jimmy and I became sealed eternally. It has been an awesome 2 years. I was at Jimmy's work the other day and a co worker of his said, "How did he get so lucky to be with a beautiful girl like you?" I wonder the same thing. How did I get so lucky to be with a beautiful, amazing hubby like him. I feel so blessed that Heavenly Father helped us get together. Happy Anniversary Jimmy! 2 years down, eternity to go! And for your viewing pleasure, some pics to reminisce of that distant day :)

Goodbye Tmobile!

Jimmy and I were so excited to leave T mobile and now live in the world of Verizon! We love it! And we love our new phones! We got the new LG ENV touch for a steal!!! We're very happy :) Along with the quick story this posting is to let you know that we also got new numbers. I had been getting way to many advertising calls and calls for Carol and Jimmy didn't like his number. If you would like our new numbers, and you didn't get our email. Drop me a line on the message and I'll get them to you. Yea for new phones!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Jimmy and I love to go camping, but rarely do so when the ward has it's annual ward camp out... We're There! We had a lot of fun camping despite the allergy attack. It was a beautiful location in the Uinta's next to a river! We set up our tent, cooled off in the river, had a yummy dinner, and played games all night! Sadly our camera didn't take a ton of pics but it was wonderful!

*just a note, the s'mores were yummy, jimmy's eyes are swollen from the previously stated allergy attack...poor guy.


Jimmy and I got back from the Lehnardt Family Reunion last week. We enjoyed the views our our room of the National Rocky Mountain Park in Estes Park, CO. We were there for about 3 days and went to the pool, hiking, mini golfing, played Frisbee golf,enjoyed a campfire, s'mores and made crafts. Jimmy went to the annual brothers golf tourney and came in behind 2 of our brothers in law. It was really fun to be there and coming from a family of now 42 spread from Washington to Georgia, we don't get to see each other very often so we love it when we can.

Hiking up to a beautiful waterfall!


My newest niece Savannah

The view outside our room

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


So Jimmy took me on my first "real" mountain biking adventure. We were just going up Rock Canyon in Provo. It was fun in the beginning and then we had to walk our bikes. After walking we took the Bonneville Shoreline Trail and I biffed it! That's right, I wrecked! I didn't know how to maneuver quite right, hit a rock and flew over the handle bars. Jimmy ran to my aid as I cried, but after a pep talk I got back on and we finished our little ride. It hurt, I'm icing and neosporining right now, but I'm still happy we went and feel a little bit in pain but tougher :) Maybe next time I'll really conquer the mountain!